Our Miracle Got His Miracle

Today November 18th,2009 @2:15pm our darling boy got his wings after a year battle with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.....He was surrounded by his Grandma Elsie, Jacob and mother and father....Noah will forever remain in our hearts and our soul.....this poem was wrote by me letting my son go.....

We are crazy to let you go and selfish to want you to stay....

the streets will be paved with gold for you to walk on and with bright blue skies just like your eyes and the shining sun just like you smile....

the Lord wants you home now and we have to let it be....

He will love you and keep you in his warm embrace until Mommy and Daddy can come and take his place.....

We know it will be hard for you to be alone... but Grandma and Grandpa and Maddie will help you along....

because they have collected the balloons you have released to them over the months and days...

you will bounce them all one by one and keep smiling your smile everyday...

you will not hurt anymore and have peace we are sure....

to our miracle baby boy we love you so....

but Our Father wants you home and we have to let you go....

so till you see us again...

Just smile to make the sun shine down and make sure you blow the wind so we can feel your touch.....


Noah has been doing okay the last couple of months.....Edward and I have come to the decision to let Noah live his life as normal as possible and as a happy little boy.... The last couple of months have been rather difficult but with the Lords strength and families that love us we have been making it through... I can not put into words how it feels to see your child hurting before your very eyes and all you can do is hold them and give him pain medication that does not work....No matter how long we have Noah... we know that everyday will be a blessing to us and our families...We just ask for prayers for our families and us as well for the Lord to give us strength and understanding.... we will never know why the Lord chose our son.... but this is what he Lord planned out for him....Yes I will tell you Ed and I are hurting much, but dealing with the pain and suffering as they come up. For now Noah is on Accutane twice a day for 2 weeks then off 1 week and then 4 days of vp-16.... this will probably be the chemo he will remain on or if the chemo becomes immune again he will be switch to another chemo or taken off completely. Just keep your thought and prayers up to Him up above and everything will be okay... We hope for miracles, but maybe just maybe the miracle is he was given to us 5 years ago......The Lord does work in mysterious ways they say....So here is to hoping for the miracle......

The Long Journey

Noah in this picture had just finished his 5th round of chemo and was about to be discharged from the hospital. On March 4th, on Daddys Birthday he goes in for a Bone Biopsy to tell us if the cancer has cleared or reluctant to stay. We hope and pray it is clear so we can proceed to Duke Hospital for aphersis process and then go thru with his 6th round of chemo and over to Duke again for stem cell transplant.

Well it has been a while since we have updated the site and lets just say that A LOT has happened. We were reluctant to hear that Noahs biopsy came back still positive and that the Doctors gave us the option to stop chemo or start a new round that would just ultimately prolong his life for the time being. I know for most people to hear this it would be a hard difficult decision. Ed and I both came to the hard decision to keep him on the new rounds of chemo that start monday the 23rd of March and the rest we are laying it in the great hands of the LORD. It was a very hard decision but we dont want to see him in pain or suffer anymore than he already has. There is the slight chance that this chemo may or may not clear him and the option is still there to do the stem cell treatment, but it was told to us that there was no guarantee and Ed and I would just like to ask for all your prayers and just kind words right now. We take comfort in the Lord that he will take care of Noah whether it be here or there. So until that day we are gonna make Noah the happiest boy which happened earlier this week when his MAKE A WISH trip came true. We boarded a plane first time for him and myself and went to sunny Florida and we went to DisneyWorld and all that went along with it. We stayed at Give the Kids the World and it was a blessing in disguise. The warmth of everyone there and the determination of all of the families there was just awesome. So til we update again please pray for a miracle.

Three Grandmas what more can Noah Ask for

 You cant deny a grandmothers love or a great grandmas love.  Since we have last written here, Noah has had a heck of a time with new chemo and almost two weeks worth of hospital stays due to the chemo completely knocking him out. Drs now are putting him on a new chemo regimen again, and now this time he will take a pill and a drip and hopefully we wont have to stay at the hospital for this treatment. Noah will be going to see Thomas and Friends soon and just got done with a fun filled weekend with Grandma Elsie and Bubba Jacob at Busch Gardens and going to the circus with Papa and MaMa. He ejoyed the dogs very much and the people walking upside down on the ceiling. Everyone please pray for Noah, its hard for us as parents to make a good solid decision we can have no regrets in but there will be many regrets no matter which way we go. Just pray that Noah will have long healthy days and weeks and years. We never will ive up hope on that miracle.....til then everyone be blessed and have great days. 


Well its has been a intresting one or two months, I am sorry to say I have lost count. Noah has his first new round of chemo and that landed us in the hospital for about 7 days with counts that did not want to stablize and a fever that would not go done. Well a miracle happen and the 8th day we were on our way home with counts on the rise and a fever that went down. Since then Noah has been to Busch Gardens with Grandma Elsie and Bubba JT and has traveled to Baltimore Maryland to se Thomas the Train. Both adventures were great and right after Thomas the tank engine we tried yet another new chemo and this time he was energetic and able to go home everyday after each treatment. What a blessing since the last one completely knocked all of us for a loop. Well there is some good news to share, since our Doctors visit on Wednesday for counts and check up, Dr Mclean advised us June 1st is his next round and they will be doing a MIBG Scan again. If the scans show promise then they will do a bone biopsy again. You know what that mean if he is clearing then our miracle is happening by the grace of God it is happening. I just want everyone to keep praying for the fight against this nasty disease and that the Lord would help take it away. Till then, love and prayers to all.

Everyday Another Memory Made

Sorry for the long delay in updating. But the last couple of months of chemo and moving and trip upon trip, have went by so quick. Noah is actually doing remarkably well, and is baffling the doctors with his hair growth and they say his quality of life is great. For those qho dont know he is being maintained righgt now by chemo only. Ed and I may have to decide soon the best course of action for his treatment, so please pray for us for wisdom in this area. Please also keep praying for Noah he is doing great and the prayers are working. Since his last update he has had a MIBG scan and a bone biopsy. They told us that there is minimum uptake in his spine and lower left rib and his biopsy showed clearing on the left and some still on left. But this is fimilar territory for Ed and I we have heard this before. Its an amazement that Dr Mclean is at a lose for words when it comes to Noah and that in a recent talk with him he said he might want to RETHINK Noah's diagnosis. AMEN AMEN, GOD IS THE ALMIGHTY HEALER. GOD IS OUR STRENGTH AND OUR SALVATION.  Everyone keeping praying for a miracle. for those who see Noah all the time, we see the miracle and it is amazing in our eyes and the Lords eyes.