Live For Today
Hope For Tomorrow
Love Like Everyday
Is The Last Day

This is the story of a 4 year old boy that came into our  lives on August 24th 2004. He was born at 12:59 am and weighed in at 8lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long. For mother and father it was a long  journey to that great day when we saw our beautiful baby boy. The nine months we were pregnant seemed like an eternity til we saw him and was able to hold him. He was healthy and that was it, what more could any new parents ask for.

The years flew by and more and more Noah grew into a great loving boy. Loved by mostly everyone who he came into contact with. He was energetic and playful and just very pleasant to be around all the time. In August 2008 Noah began his first day of Pre-K at Lawsonville Avenue Elementary School. He was very into going to school and being around all of his classmates. The months went by and he grew into his own. He started to help around the house and pick up after himself. He became a outspoken young man. At the beginning of October 2008 we started to notice that Noah was limping on his left leg and everyone told us it was just growing pains and it would pass. A week went by and it went away. But by Halloween, we notice the limp was back again and started to worry and once again everyone told us growing pains again or maybe just a bruised bone from being the little monkey he is.

Well about a week went by and the limp seem to get worse and November 13th, Noahs Father and I had had enough. That  morning we took Daddy to work and I took Noah to his pediatrician to have it checked out. From here is got a little blurred. The doctors wanted x rays of Noahs leg and that was it. I went home after the xrays and prayed. Prayed that nothing was wrong and everyone was right. By 5pm Dr McGowan had called to talk to me about a mass that was found on his left femur and that they needed to do further testing. I dropped the phone and that was it. I had to pick up my husband at work and the ride there was the longest one I had ever had to take to tell my husband the baby boy we were blessed with had a mass on his left femur and they dont know what it is.

By that night Noah had broke a fever of 101.3 and Dr McGowan urged us to go to our local hospital  to have him checked out. The drew labs and found that his red blood count was down and they could not break his fever. The ER admitted him at Annie Penn Hospital. We were there all day until Dr McGowan suggested Brenners Childrens Hospital in Winston-Salem. When he mentioned to us Pediactric Oncology we both went numb.

We were transferred that night to Brenners and did not hear anything until the next morning.

Noah went into surgery to do a biopsy on his left femur and left hip to find any infection. We were in the waiting area when the surgeon came out and said he did not find any infection and that he would have to dig deeper to get to the marrow of the bone. When that happen, I losted it and I knew then he had cancer.

Later that night the "Team" came in and told us that they were 90% sure it was cancer and had to due further testing to determine which cancer it was. On November 17th 2008 surrounded by our current Pastor and family friends, more like his adopted grandparents, Dr McLean told us that is was Stage 4 Neuroblastoma and that he needed to due a MIBG Scan to look for a primary tumor. His tumor was located on his right side just below his liver and that the cancer had spread to a portion of his right shoulder and his hips and legs. We were told that this is the highest stage. Dr. McLean gave us a GREAT HOPE that he could cure Noah, but it would be a long journey. Noah began his chemo regimen that same weekend, he is now currently on his 5th round of chemo and his shoulder has cleared and his right leg has cleared. This does hold him from going to Duke for a stem cell treatment. But our faith has never failed we have many family and friends praying for him and we ask that if you are reading this that please pray for our child and for us. We will updated this site when were are in for chemo treatments and over at duke. Pictures are soon to come.